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The Draconic Races, not to be confused with Dragons proper, came into being first on the western continent of Altalara, though the majority now dwell in Idryllia. Originally seven races, each created by one of the Elder Dragons in The Lost Age, circumstances and the history of Akrlyonor have produced the wider array now present.



The Wilderlanders, despite their scattered presence across all of Idryllia (and some that remain on Yvera's New Altalar), are the truest strain to the original humans created by the Life Dragon Alestraxa. They were the original settlers who came to Idryllia and became caught in the Primordial Wars, although they were often displaced later by the Aergosians, themsleves wilderlanders, although under the influence of the Dark Source.


The Mariner's arose from those Wilderlanders who remained in Altalara. After Yvera enacted her spell to take the main body of the land into the sky, they became a sea faring people in the islands that remained. They would eventually lose memory of their origins over time. They were reintegrated with Idryllia during Aergoth's expansion, and after the result of the Daemon Wars (which for the Mariners, never paused), would migrate almost entirely to Idryllia, establishing Solsguard.


The Ghaulsyr were human in most aspects, save an incredibly long lifespan. Created by Nyrghaul, the Dragon of Death, they served as keepers of his secret lore, and tended to the dead, enacting their passage and the required rites to Hallowsgate. After Nyrghaul's death, they became corrupted into the Vampyres by the Dark Source for several centuries, before being cleansed by the Heart of Alestraxa.



Khazadryn are the warrior race created by Khazad, the Earth Dragon. While sharing their makers stubborness, and fondness for tradition, they are nonetheless a hardy people, and impalcable foes, gifted with metal and stonework. They came to Idryllia in the Primordial Wars, and settled permanently in their forts at the Forge Mountains to guard their imprisoned maker.


Although still "Ryn" (Warriors) Yvera's dwarves were more gifted with magic then Khazad's. Able to levitate at will, and skilled in manipulating wind magics to fly while doing so. They had limited involvement in the Primordial Wars on Idryllia, and returned with Yvera to Altalara at the end, most choosing to dwell on the levitated part of the continent. A few ramined among the isles as ambassadors, but largely died out, or returned to New Altalar permanently.



The elven race was created by Thuala, the Dragon of Magic. They served extensively in the Primordial Wars, and many were present when Thuala inadvertently released the Dark Source. The corruption's passage drained the color from their skin and hair, making them seem almost ghoulish to their fellows. When Yvera led the surviving Elder Dragons in exiling Thuala (who became Thul'Masira) these colorless elves supported their patroness, believing it in a honest error. Some others joined them as well, though generations quickly bred their color out of the race.


Those elves who accepted the judgement of Thuala came to rededicate themselves to Yvera, and took the name Yveralisyr (Yvera's Servants) upon themselves. Although still attuned to magic and stars, they also became more free-spirited and roaming as they adjusted to their new patron. Many of these chose to return to Altalara (and from there to New Altalar), while others remained on Idryllia, originally attempting to reconcile their fellows amongst the Thualisyr, but eventually designating themsleves guardians against the colorless ones.



Aquar, the Water Dragon created a race that shared his youthful exuberance with the world. Eschewing most civilization and structure, they preferred to roam in clans, taming sea creatures and learning how to guide the ether patterns to work their own magics. While the Aquarisyr did participate in the Primordial Wars, they avoided the bulk of it due to being more comfortable in the oceans and disorganized and unsuitable for mass battle.

Plains Halflings[]

When Khazad was imprsioned, and the Khazadryn and Mordrakryn besieged, several clans of Aquarisyr aided in bringing them supplies via the ocean. Some of these joined even in the battle on land, and remained for a long time amidst the dwarves. At the end of the war, they migrated into the plains to the south, exploring as was their nature, and settled their. Too much time on land attenauted their link to the seas however, and they began to take on much of the nature of the dwarves, albeit with more freedom and looser organization. Near genocide wreaked upon them in the Age of War would further harden these small folk into a fairly impressive guerilla warforce, capable of holding their own lands against far more physically dominant foes.



The warriors created by Mordra, the fire Dragon were similar ot the Khazadryn, but had a bit more of a spark of curiosity and invention in them. Still dangerous warriors, they fought directly alongside the Khazadryn, and the two Elder Dragons were also mated, merging their cultures greatly. The gnomes would prove more aidful in their wider working of magics, along with a wider tactical thinking range. They have dwelt largely on the outer slopes of the Forge Mountains, and often serve as outside ambassadors of the two races to other civilizations.

Gear Gnomes[]

At Aergoth's height, both its government, the Arcane Society, and rich nobility sought greater craftsmanship in homes, fortificaitons, and in the Society's case, their clockworks and golems. For this they solicited the Khazadryn, known as great smiths. While the Khazadryn almost entirely refused to leave their lands, a sizable number of Mordrakryn would work this trade to bring wealth to their homeland. Some of these would find a fondness for the human style of life, and chose to stay in the city and other human lands, making their creations. While true Mordakryn regard these as outcasts, they are in high demand amongst those who can not afford or lack the ability to order items from the Forge Mountains. In the Age of Reclamation, many Gear Gnomes aided the Mariner refugess in building Solsguard on Aergoth's ruins, and thus it has become the first city in which they hold a true presence. Their devices and construction continue to aid Solsguard in avoiding domination from Laycin, the City of Mages, in the Age of Mortals.